Tassi Rappresentanze
About us

Over 40 years of experience in hydro-thermal-health and the bathroom accurate Organization of work and technical expertise, great care and counselling service Pre and post sales, sympathy and courtesy typical of our land: this is TASSI RAPPRESENTANZE, founded by Joseph and direct today with the son Massimo and the irreplaceable wife Claudia.

The Agency, in its activity covers the whole Emilia Romagna most San Marino and may from time to count the important support staff on the ground and In offices, sites Borgonuovo Sasso Marconi, 10 km south of Bologna, in position ideal and equidistant from the geographical boundaries of the region.

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Via Gagarin, 25 - 40037 Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (Bo) - Tel 051 678.20.58 - Fax 051 678.22.40 - P.IVA: 00633271200 - Cod. Fiscale: 03524130378
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