Tassi Rappresentanze
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Today is   -   Where    Tassi Rappresentanze
Via Gagarin, 25 - 40037 Borgonuovo di Sasso Marconi (Bo) - Tel 051 678.20.58 - Fax 051 678.22.40 - P.IVA: 00633271200 - Cod. Fiscale: 03524130378
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Tassi Giuseppe Rappresentanze s.a.s

Via Gagarin 25
40037 Sasso Marconi (BO)
Our offices are located in Borgonuovo (Sasso Marconi - BO), near the Porrettana SS64, 5 km southwards from the highway (Casalecchio di Reno) and 8 km to the north from the highway (Sasso Marconi).